Friday, February 8, 2013


1.Cupid is walking down the hall.
2.Cupid sees a bow and arrow.
3.Cupid picks up the bow and arrow.
4.Cupid looks at the bow and arrow.
5.Cupid sees a girl gazing at a guy and sees she is in love. Cupid decides what to do.
6.Cupid shoots the boy in the butt with his arrow.
7.The boy instantly falls in love with the girl.
8.The boy and girl go on many dates together.
9.The boy and girl hold hands to walk to a place where the boy has a surprise for her.
10.The boy gets down on one knee and asks the girl to marry him.
11.The girl is very shocked and says yes.
12.The boy and girl get married.
13.The girl gets pregnant after they are married.
14.The girl has her baby.
15.They live happily ever after.

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